SEO (Search Engine Optimization) might seem like a bit of a gamble until you know its effectiveness and whether it can lead to higher conversion rates. A CMO or business owner might be hesitant (and rightfully so) until they know the advantages and disadvantages of integrating SEO into a marketing plan. Is it possible to measure SEO ROI or, like other marketing tactics, such as advertising, are SEO results amorphous and hard to measure?
Pushing SEO are marketing companies and pundits, who perceive SEO to be a top action item to make a brand more visible online. However, loading your website with keywords and tons of links is probably counterproductive and will penalize you with Google and other search engines, such as Bing. Today, SEO is more about creating fresh, relevant, useful content. Creating such content on your website will help you show up quicker when your target audience is searching for you. Creating engaging and informative content will give you a better opportunity to grab target audience attention, inviting them to click through and remain on your website longer. If keywords are your obsession, then make them long tail keywords, which give you a much better opportunity to stand out. Additionally, Google and Baidu index companies that blog 434% more than non-blogging companies.
Further, promoting and repurposing content through social media channels will help with visibility efforts, as will sharing relevant content from authoritative sources. Creating high traction links to your website, and interacting with trusted sources on social media channels, can also aid in painting a bright SEO picture.
In short, SEO is mostly about relevance. If the content on your website is contrived or irrelevant, then your rankings will be lower than if you constantly adjust and review content to include great content, long tail keywords and useful links.