August 27, 2021

Should Your Law Firm Build a Squarespace Website?

A computer sitting on a desk with squarespace on the screen

Having a website is a necessity for reaching new clients and presenting your law firm as professional and trustworthy. However, traditional website building can be challenging, expensive, and time-consuming.

Squarespace is a website builder tool that frees you from most of the complexities of building a site from scratch. It’s a convenient option law firms can use to build a website while saving time and money. However, there are limitations you should know as well. Understanding these details will help you determine if Squarespace is your best option for your firm’s site.

The Advantage of Using Squarespace

For starters, Squarespace eliminates the need to buy a domain or pay for hosting. The website also has a built-in content management system to make it easy to edit or adjust your site. You also have the benefit of a support team that handles Google indexing for you and provides SEO advice.

With a set theme or template, you can begin building a website right away. The interface is intuitive, and most people won’t have trouble using the website. The builder also codes the website automatically for you. There’s no need to take crash courses in CSS or HTML to get your website up and running.

Squarespace makes it easy if you’ve never built a website before. It can be a lifesaver if you want to get your law firm’s website up and running immediately.

The Disadvantages of Using Squarespace

While Squarespace can seem cheaper than hiring a design team, there are costs you need to factor in. To maintain your website, you’ll pay a subscription fee that gets higher depending on the features you desire. You also won’t be able to migrate your website to another platform or hosting company.

Additionally, many law firms experience restriction issues with what the Squarespace platform can accomplish. While Squarespace has many themes, it has limited customizability. If you’re looking for a unique design that matches your firm’s brand, you may be pigeonholed into preselected templates that can be customized only to a certain extent.

You may also have a hard time integrating online payments, handling increased traffic, and running email marketing. Not having a website that can tackle these situations can limit your law firm’s ability to grow.

While Squarespace does help a bit with SEO, it has reported speed issues, potentially affecting your search engine rankings.

What Is the Best Option?

If you need to get up and running quickly and don’t have issues with using a pre built template that you can customize, then Squarespace is a relatively cost-effective solution. If your law firm is planning to scale up, you’re better off using a platform like WordPress. However, this route can be more expensive or require more learning to maintain and update. In the end, it depends on your budget, time, and goals. If you’d like to find out if Squarespace is the best option for you, contact us and we’ll help you make the right decision.

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