Social Media

March 27, 2021

Facebook Marketing 101 for Law Firms

Facebook app on the front of a smartphone

Performed strategically, Facebook can help you interact with potential clients naturally and drive organic traffic to your firm’s website....

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December 10, 2024

What Makes a Company Worth Following on Social Media?

content marketing for professional services

As our society becomes increasingly digitized, businesses are turning to social media as a key tool for marketing their products or services. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok offer unparalleled opportunities to expand a company’s visibility and connect with potential clients. However, standing out...

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October 24, 2023

Reconnect With Old Clients: A Pitching Guide for Lawyers

brand marketing firm

Building a new clientele demands a significant investment of time, financial resources, and effort. But why not capitalize on the strong connections you’ve already forged with existing clients? Building, nurturing, and maintaining trustworthy relationships is an essential aspect of seeking success as a lawyer. Especially...

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January 24, 2023

How Public Relations Companies in New York Can Optimize Your Business Strategy 

How Public Relations Companies in New York Can Optimize Business Strategy 

As a business owner in New York or elsewhere, you want to get your name out there. Your goal, of course, is to keep the customers you already have and attract new ones. Whether you’re a big company or a small one (with a small...

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December 12, 2022

Why Public Relations in NY Matters

New York Public Relations

We already know that public relations is important – and necessary – for any professional services firm. A solid PR strategy boosts awareness, positions your business for the public, and establishes brand voice. It elevates the brand’s platform, builds validation and credibility, and, when the...

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November 29, 2022

What is a Common Issue With Social Media Marketing Plans?

Corporations Using Social Media

In the digital age, social media usage is not just common amongst businesses but is often necessary. Due to the high volume of users, social media is a significant factor in digital marketing plans and business strategies at large. Regardless of the industry, any professional...

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November 28, 2022

Why PR is Good For Your Professional Services Firm

Why is PR good for your business

Every business, no matter its size, depends upon its reputation for success. PR, or public relations, is an important tool that helps professional services firms – and all kinds of businesses – broadcast, share and improve their reputation and image. However, despite the importance of...

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October 31, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing a New Business

how to market a new business

A solid marketing plan is pivotal to the success of any new business, but it can be difficult to know where to start or how to prioritize. The ultimate goal of a marketing strategy is to understand the needs and wants of your consumers, and...

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