October 24, 2023

Reconnect With Old Clients: A Pitching Guide for Lawyers

brand marketing firm

Building a new clientele demands a significant investment of time, financial resources, and effort. But why not capitalize on the strong connections you’ve already forged with existing clients? Building, nurturing, and maintaining trustworthy relationships is an essential aspect of seeking success as a lawyer. Especially in today’s digital age, client reviews are more important than ever. 

Whether you choose to outsource a brand marketing firm — such as a New York public relations firm or advertising agency in Los Angeles — or you prefer keeping marketing efforts in-house, we’ll provide you with tips on how to reconnect with old clients to augment your business prospects.

Send Personalized Emails or Letters

Send a personalized email or letter to your former clients and target audience, addressing them by name and referring to previous work you’ve collaborated on. Thank them for their past business, ask them about their current legal needs, and propose a coffee meeting to discuss next-steps. Email marketing platforms allow you to connect with your target audience easily and affordably. 

Organize Client Appreciation Events

Host client appreciation events, such as seminars, webinars, or social gatherings to reconnect with old clients, discuss potential legal matters, educate previous clientele, and maintain consistent and strong professional relationships. It’s also important to attend other professional associations and industry events or conferences for the opportunity to run into old clients and network with new ones. 

Keep in Touch via Newsletters and Social Media

Maintain regular communication with existing clients through newsletters that share valuable legal updates, industry insights, and firm news to keep them informed and engaged. Connect with old clients through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook to share relevant legal content and engage with their posts to stay on their radar. Providing unique informational content can prove to your audience that your firm is an expert in the field. 

Use CRM Software

Implement a customer relationship management (CRM) system to track interactions and manage client information. CRM software can help you maintain a database of client details and schedule follow-up outreach and communication. Marketing in law firms isn’t just about hiring new clients and producing content, but fostering and maintaining relationships, too.

Conduct Client Surveys

Send out surveys to collect feedback on your services and your clients’ overall experience with your firm. This shows that you value their opinions and allocate time to listen to and address their concerns. 

Contact Horowitz Agency to Assist with Effective Tactics

Horowitz Agency is one of the top marketing and public relations agencies in New York and around the country. Our talented and seasoned team produces and delivers high-level strategies and campaigns based on your firm’s specific needs. Reach out to us if you’re looking for a seamless PR and marketing plan for your law firm. 

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