
April 14, 2015

Is your website mobile friendly? – Google set to change algorithm

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly? Google set to change algorithm

Google is set to reward mobile friendly websites when it updates its mobile search engine algorithm on April 21, 2015. If your website is not responsive to mobile devices then it will be penalized. Any good website developer/designer will advise clients to “go responsive” when...

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July 17, 2015

Blogging for Attorneys: 3 Tips for Starting Out

Blogging for Attorneys 3 Tips for Starting Out

Due to the uber competitive nature of today’s legal environment, maintaining a blog is more of a necessity than an extracurricular exercise for practicing lawyers. According to a recent study, 82% of Am Law 200 law firms are now incorporating blogging into their marketing plans....

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August 22, 2015

4 Tips For Building and Maintaining Your Law Firm’s Website

4 Tips For Building and Maintaining Your Law Firm's Website

Creating and maintaining a law firm website are vital components in any law firm’s marketing plan, yet many lawyers aren’t sure where to begin. From designing the layout to selecting content, there are a variety of factors that come into play when creating a website...

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June 23, 2016

How to Optimize Your Law Firm Landing Page to Increase Leads

How to Optimize Your Landing Page to Increase Leads

Landing pages are an integral part of digital marketing. A landing page is a website page that allows you to capture a visitor’s information through a lead form, usually from a particular stream of traffic from a geographic location, e-mail campaign offer or online advertising campaign. It...

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May 4, 2017

7 Elements to A Great Law Firm Website Design

7 Elements to A Great Law Firm Website Design

For law firms and lawyers, websites are crucial, and are also often a potential client’s first impression. Therefore, it is imperative that yours is well-designed, provides updated industry content, and gives your clients the necessary information about your firm. Here are some features that make...

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July 18, 2020

Benefits of Blogging

Benefits of Blogging

What is a blog? The word “blog” is an abbreviation for “weblog.” Blogs are online journals or websites written in an informal or conversational manner. Blogs allow people to share ideas and perspectives about a particular topic. The unrestricted platform results in the complete freedom...

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November 15, 2019

Law Firm Marketing Tips for 2020 (Part 1)

Law Firm Marketing Tips

With the new year just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about your marketing strategy for 2020. If you are working at a boutique law firm, you know that it can be difficult to attract new clients. Offering excellent service is not enough...

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May 28, 2021

Blog Writing Tips For Your Law Firm

Lawyers computer sitting on a desk, along with a notepad

In this article, you’ll learn how to create engaging and persuasive blog posts for your law firm in order to generate more clients. ...

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